Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practices, and Evaluations, tenth Edition, meets the needs of students and instructors for engaging, evidence-based, impartial coverage of interventions that can reduce or prevent deviance. This edition examines the entire gamut of prevention, from physical design to developmental prevention, to identifying high-risk individuals, to situational initiatives, to partnerships, and beyond. Strategies include primary prevention measures designed to prevent conditions that foster deviance, secondary prevention measures directed toward persons or conditions with a high potential for deviance, and tertiary prevention measures to deal with persons who have already committed crimes.In this book, Lab offers a thorough and well-rounded discussion of the many sides of the crime prevention debate in clear and accessible language, including the latest research concerning space syntax, physical environment and crime, neighborhood crime prevention programs, community policing, crime in schools, and electronic monitoring and home confinement.This book is essential for students and research in criminal justice, criminology, and sociology and other security sciences.
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