Future Gains of Criminal Penalties from A Reformative Perspective


Midoah Bin Muhammad Al Midoah


Criminal Penalties, Future Gains, Reforming Criminals, Punishment Philosophy, Combating Crime


This book deals with the future gains of criminal penalties from a reformative perspective. It highlights the importance of criminal penalties in reforming the criminal and combating crime. It is not confined to the criminal himself. Rather, the whole community is in a war against crime. In substance, the penalty is necessary, but it doesn't benefit anything, especially for past criminal acts. It doesn't get things back to what it was before the criminal act. Therefore, its importance relates to its future impact.

The book stresses that future gains of penalties can't be achieved while looking backward as the criminal act is ended. While looking at the future in the proper framework, the penalty becomes more homogenous with the reformative programs. Therefore, the question and objective of this research is to determine the potentiality of the criminal penalty in achieving the future gain of the penalty.

The book contains an introduction and three chapters. First chapter deals with the theoretical framework of the study. It addresses several subjects such as changing the punishment philosophy, explanatory theories of crime and punishment in society, the interpretation of crime and punishment in the Islamic Sharia. Finally, it deals with rational punishment theories; sociology of judiciary; evolution of judiciary, its development and the protection of its independency; preparation of judiciary and its specializations; preparation of the procedures of litigation, sociology of courts and evaluating its efficacy.

Second chapter highlights previous studies relevant to this research.

Third chapter deals within the framework of the study and the methodological procedures of the research, in addition to research findings and their interpretation.


Cover photo



Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

17cm x 24cm x 2.2cm