Criteria for Selecting Candidates of Police Colleges and Academies


Mohammed Khamees Alothmani
Sharjah Police Sciences Academy, United Arab Emirates
Elsayed Helmy Elwazzan
Sharjah Police Sciences Academy, United Arab Emirates
Adnan Mohammad Aldhmour
Sharjah Police Sciences Academy, United Arab Emirates


Security studies, Police Colleges, Selection Standards, Security Education, Security Training, Arab Police, International Police


This report aims to explore the standards and criteria by which persons willing to join police colleges and academies are selected at the local, regional, and international levels. The report adopted two methods, the descriptive analytical method, and the comparative method. In addition, several colleges were chosen, such as police colleges and academies in the United Arab Emirates, Police Academy of Egypt, besides some colleges from other countries, including the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Norway, Finland, Canada, Singapore, the Netherlands.
The report has drawn several findings, light will be shed on the two most prominent. First, setting standards for the performance rates of the security work is not a temporary process, but rather a continuous process evolving along with the evolution of life and security reality. Second, the selection of persons willing to join police forces and practice security work within the framework of international standards will result in police personnel at the required level of performance and will avert security organization of failed security missions.
Police colleges and academies, under study, attached great importance to the development of training to be in par with the volume of challenges and threats posed in the security realm, on the one hand, and to raise the performance of police forces to international standards in confrontation operations, on the other hand, given that training is the primary means of developing the human factor in the security field. Moreover, security colleges undertake to establish partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders in other police training institutions in several countries, as well as with competent police authorities, with the aim of transferring training and knowledge. Furthermore, several police colleges are keen to provide persons nominated to join them with training on “International Civil Crisis Management”.


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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

17mm x 24mm x 7.67mm