Prevention of Crises and Disasters in Arab Crisis Centers


Abdulkarim H. Aldekhayel
College of Criminal justice, Naif Arab University For Security Studies, Saudi Arabia
Abdelalim Mohamed Abboud
College of Criminal justice, Naif Arab University For Security Studies, Saudi Arabia
Mamdooh Abdelhameed Abdelmottlep
College of Criminal justice - Naif Arab University For Security Studies-Saudi Arabia


Security studies, Crisis, Disaster, Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Center, Prevention, Prediction, Forecasting, Planning


Arab institutions dealing with crises and disasters give great importance to improve their performance, including establishing crisis management centers, which enable them to prevent threats and mitigate their impacts. This study aimed to assess crisis and disaster management centers in Arab institutions, and how these centers help prevent threats and disasters. As well as, how these centers can gain from the best international practices. Finally, sharing visions and recommendations on how to establish advance crisis management centers in Arab countries. According to the best international practices, some countries established centers for crisis management; on the other hand, some other countries still implement emergency plans approach to deal with crises. The study used descriptive analytical method and comparative critical analysis. The most important findings and recommendations of the study were: The necessity of establishing or developing a national center for crisis and disaster management - as independent organization - at the national level, as well as centers in other government sectors. Indeed, the center will help prevent threats and disasters, or mitigate their damage. The importance of structuring crisis centers in a modern way to focus on their core functions to include the following departments: Monitoring and Forecasting; analysis; IT and Communications; Coordination; in addition to other departments such as: logistical support, public relations, community participation, etc. Moreover, the centers require continuous updating of technological and technical equipment. Also, supporting the centers with qualified human resources, under continuous training programs. Moreover, the centers should have well developed plans to be implemented during crisis for both the national level and other government sectors. In addition, the need to review these plans periodically, and update them annually depending on new situations. Furthermore, regional and international coordination must be enhanced, particularly when the state's resources are unable to meet the requirements of the crisis. Finally, the study recommended the establishment of an Arab Center for Crisis and Disaster Management at the level of Arab Interior Ministries

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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

17mm x 24mm x 5.83mm