Countries encounter a range of security challenges that extend beyond national borders, such as organized crime, drug trafficking, and terrorist threats. To address these challenges, security agencies depend on advanced technologies like biometrics, which are crucial elements of the security infrastructure. Biometrics encompass fingerprints, facial features, and iris scans. This technology is noted for its high accuracy and resistance to forgery, making it effective for identity verification, streamlining security processes, and improving operational efficiency, thereby enhancing national security at all levels.
Moreover, biometrics are vital in enhancing international security cooperation by facilitating the rapid and efficient exchange of security information between countries, reducing the likelihood of errors, and aiding in the fight against cross-border crime and the prevention of terrorist infiltration.
Biometrics are employed in several key sectors, including government services, intelligence and criminal investigations, law enforcement agencies, border control, and military applications. In government services, biometrics provide a reliable identity management system, facilitate registration for public services, and secure banking transactions. The technology is also used in criminal investigations to link individuals to forensic evidence and accurately identify perpetrators. In border control and military applications, biometrics enhance border security, prevent infiltration, and detect forged identities. Additionally, in military applications and access control, biometrics are essential for ensuring security in sensitive areas and facilities, guaranteeing access to authorized personnel, and securing confidential information and weapons.
Due to the varying economic and developmental levels and infrastructure advancements in the Arab region, the application of biometrics for national security has been implemented to different extents. This variation presents numerous challenges that may threaten the sustainable and effective use of biometric technology. This report aims to address these challenges by examining international standards, best practices, and case studies of prominent global experiences in this field.
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