The Association of Drug Addiction Rates and Societal Security in Arab Countries


Amr Osman
Assistant Minister of Social Solidarity, director of Fund for Drug Control and Treatment of Addiction, Egypt
Abdelsalam Sharaf
Head of Impact Assessment unit, fund for drug control and treatment of addiction, Egypt.
Wadih Maalouf
Program Manager Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna
Shahla Eltayeb
Assistant of Vice-President for Scientific Research, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Security Studies


The report aims to identify the nexus between drug abuse and the societal dimensions of security in the Arab countries. as Drug use and substance use disorders (SUDs) have become one of the most serious global problems, a major behavioral problem that threats our contemporary societies. This problem affects millions of Arabs and imposes enormous costs on mental, psychological and physical health and also on our economy and security.

The report also aims to identify the most important strategies s to combat and prevent the drug problem and its repercussions on societal security. And to present a future work vision that focuses on the dimension of drug demand reduction regarding the societal dimensions of Arab security, as well as the sustainable development goals.

The report described defining the nexus between drug addiction rates and societal dimensions of security and reciprocity of influence and its confrontation challenges in the Arab countries, as the report refers to the following main results:

- threats to human security; Which plays an influential role in the deterioration of the security situation within the community represent The same vulnerability factors that increase an individual's risk of falling into drug problem. Both dilemmatic phenomenons are in their origin a result of similar and common factors, and they are the product of overlapping fragility factors.

-  The phenomenon of drug abuse and addiction is intertwined with the societal dimensions of security in the Arab countries on the one hand, and the factors of threat and vulnerability on the other hand, in a self-reinforcing cycle whose components reproduce each other.

-  The problem of drug abuse and addiction reproduces more negative phenomena that exacerbate the deterioration of the human security situation in the Arab society, such as crime, societal violence and the low level of quality of life for people who suffer from drug abuse disorders and all aspects of society.

At the end, the report concludes specific recommendations to draw the features of an integrated Pan- Arab plan of drug demand reduction and to enhance human security in the Arab countries.

The report stresses the need for comprehensive and unified interventional efforts that include prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in all Arab societies to deal with drug problems, crime, violence, and everything that disturbs and threatens human security.  

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مصادر جمع المعلومات: - موقع قواعد البيانات التابعة لمكتب الأمم المتحدة المعني بالمخدِّرات والجريمة - موقع منظَّمة العمل الدوليَّة - موقع منظَّمة الأمم المتحدة - موقع مؤشر التنافسيَّة العالمي - موقع منظَّمة الصحَّة العالميَّة - موقع مركز مراقبة الأمراض والوقاية التابع لحكومة الولايات المتَّحدة - موقع الباروميتر العربي - موقع معني باستعراض الإحصاءات السكانيَّة العالميَّة - موقع مؤشِّر الجريمة المنظَّمة العالمي - موقع تقرير التنمية البشريَّة - موقع قواعد بيانات البنك الدولي - موقع الهيئة الدوليَّة لمراقبة المخدِّرات - موقع تقرير المخدرات العالمي لمكتب الأمم المتحدة المعني بالمخدِّرات والجريمة - موقع معني بالإحصاءات العالميَّة - موقع مجلس وزراء الداخليَّة العرب. - موقع جامعة الدول العربيَّة - موقع البوَّابة العربيَّة للتنمية - موقع جامعة نايف العربيَّة للعلوم الأمنيَّة - تقرير مكتب الأمم المتَّحدة المعني بالمخدِّرات والجريمة 2010

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