Industrial safety and security


Abaas Abo shama
College of Criminal Justice Naif Arab University for Security Sciences Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Security Sciences, Safety, Industrial Security, Rules and Regulations


This study aimed to define the contemporary and renewable concept of industrial safety and security and areas of application, and to identify the general rules for industrial safety and industrial security in general, and the industrial hazards and work injuries in addition to the required protection and prevention in particular.
Methodology: The study used the analytical method for the industrial security system.
Findings: Industrial security should be viewed from a different angle than industrial safety, as to be viewed in a contemporary concept, whereas its rules differ from industrial safety rules. This is due to the fact that industrial security rules require that it should be viewed in its comprehensive sense in order to accommodate all the regulations and instructions pertinent to the four traditional fields which are: safety, firefighting, preserving environmental safety, and security.
• To conduct training courses in competent institutions which modern industries can create in human life, and this should be related to the nature of each individual industry as the specific dangers are more related to the nature of industries.
• The owners of industrial facilities, along with state control, should allocate more technical and material attention to protect workers in industrial facilities from the dangers of multiple industrial professions and to undertake full medical assistance to face these dangers.
• Authorities in the areas of nuclear installations should provide adequate safeguards to secure the reactors from the causes of nuclear leak. This action should be performed under international control.
• Multi-site industries should be grouped together in an industrial city away from residential areas, especially the nuclear industries.
• Reliance should be on safe and environmentally friendly energy source technologies.
• The industrial safety and security course should be incorporated in the curriculum at the appropriate educational stage and also in specialized technical studies.

أولًا: المراجع العربية

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ثانيًا: المراجع باللغة الإنجليزية

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Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)




Physical Dimensions

17cm x 24cm x 0.465cm