This book expounds the standard specifications for traffic safety at the Arab and international levels. Transportation is a fundamental pillar of development. Moreover, freedom of movement is the most fundamental right that is constitutionally and lawfully guaranteed in the civilized world.
The book comprises six chapters.
First chapter is entitled "Vehicle", it expounds the following:
. Classification of vehicles.
. Motor.
. Chassis.
. Vehicle body.
. Other core components.
. Some vehicle safety systems.
. The theory of risk compensation.
Second chapter is entitled "Roads", it expounds the following:
. Classification of roads.
. Determinants and regulations of road designs.
. Design elements.
. Traffic Engineering.
Third chapter addresses traffic control. Details follow:
. Priorities for the mandatory ordering of traffic lights and signals.
. Traffic hand lights.
. Light signals.
. Traffic lights.
. Ground-mounted traffic signs.
. Traffic regulation in working areas on the road.
Fourth chapter expounds the traffic regulations. Details follow:
. An overview of traffic legislations and laws.
. Penalties on traffic violations and their regulations.
Fifth chapter is entitled "Road Accidents". Details follow:
. Statistical information.
. Traffic movement.
. Basic definitions.
. Stages of traffic accidents.
. Causes of traffic accidents.
. Classification of traffic procedures in road accidents.
. Duties of the traffic officer upon receiving a tip-off about a car accident.
This book is concluded by the sixth chapter which offers the conclusion, findings, and recommendations.
The most salient recommendations are:
. Standard specifications for vehicle parts should be developed. They include the performance, safety, environmental compliance, positive and inherent safety devices, and their obligation.
. Standard specifications for road constructions and completion should be developed.
. Tougher punishment should be imposed on drivers who don’t report car accidents they are part of.
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