Ways to Improvement of the Psychological Care: Arab Efforts and Global Experiences


As-Sayed Fahmy Ali Mohamed


Psychological Care, Psychological Health, Health Sectors, Emergency Psychology, Arab Efforts, Global Experiences


This book expounds a definition of the psychological care in addition to the achievement of psychological health under the global and local political, social, and familial unfavorable factors that have a relative impact on everyone. Some people can overcome such factors while some can't, but somehow, they deal with them, and others will likely become weak and fall prey to psychological diseases destroying their morale and having a treatment-resistant depression.  

The book aims to be a reference for everyone who seeks psychological care, for himself or others, both theoretical and applied. It serves workers in the psychological field, specialists in public health and psychological care, students of the various psychological and social specialties or non-specialized people.  

The book comprises nine chapters.

First chapter expounds the psychological health care from past to present.

Second chapter discusses the promotion of psychological care.

Third chapter presents the definition of psychological first aid.

Fourth chapter sheds light on the scientific history of psychological rehabilitation, its definition, services, core principles, and values.

Fifth chapter expounds the trauma and the posttraumatic stress disorder.  

Sixth chapter expounds the psychological health and psychological support in emergencies.

Seventh chapter expounds community mental health care according to instructions of World Psychiatric Association. It discusses the steps required for the implementation of the community-based mental healthcare and the obstacles and mistakes to be avoided.

Eighth chapter expounds the emergency psychology in time of crises and disasters.

Ninth chapter includes means of psychological care and ways of improvement.

The book offers multiple recommendations, the most salient is that the subject of psychological care and health should be discussed in all public health sectors.

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ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

17cm x 24cm x 2.9cm