This book discusses the development of civil protection concept from its early origin till now. It highlights the futuristic challenges affecting the role and plans of civil protection in the light of climate changes and the spread of the current form of international terrorism. It applies its academic vision on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
In application, the book explores the most critical environmental and human hazards threatening the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today.
The book includes six chapters.
The first chapter presents the study problem, dimensions, questions, objectives, and importance.
The second chapter shows the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of the study.
The third chapter reviews the natural disasters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and highlights the responding efforts.
The fourth chapter focuses on the civil defense in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and relevant international experiences though the following:
. Civil defense in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
. International experiences (India, Romania, European Union).
The fifth chapter explores the future of civil defense and civil protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their contributions to human security promotion
The sixth chapter presents findings and recommendations of the study.
The study yielded numerous findings, the most important is that the work of civil defense teams in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have witnessed an important development in recent years, resulting from the increasing challenges and disasters that took place in the Kingdom. Subsequently, civil defense forces have to play a greater role in this field.
The study presents some recommendations, the most prominent is that the civil defense authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should include an independent division for environment issues. This division can be called "Environmental Civil Defense".
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